Sunday, May 18, 2008

Don't tiptoe

"All around you,
people will be tiptoeing through life,
just to arrive at death safely

But dear children, do not tiptoe.
Run, hop, skip, or dance,
just don't tiptoe"

Passion & Purpose

I was inspired by another church sermon this weekend. The whole focus of the message was adding passion to your purpose to achieve great power (passion + purpose = power). You need to be passionate about the things that matter to you. If you lack passion and still have great purpose, all you'll end up with is wasted potential.

We also talked about how to determine what you are passionate about in your life. Using this REAL idea, you can figure out where your soul lies.

R = risk
You risk for those things you care about. If you didn't care, you wouldn't risk.
E = expense
You will spend money or use your resources for your passion, without question.
A = articulate
You will always speak up for your purpose. You won't back down.
L = learn
You'll take time to learn and expand your knowledge on something that is important to you.

Think about it sometime. I'll guarantee that you'll figure out your "passions" aren't what you claim they are.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Fox and the Hedgehog

I learned a new concept today...which I think everyone can learn a little bit from.

The story of the fox and the hedgehog:

Greek poet Archiolus wrote:

"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing".

This aphorism reflects the difference between the fox, with lots of resources at its command, and the hedgehog, with only a single, but highly effective, defense against them. The fox tries with futile effort to plot every possible way to get to the hedgehog. But no matter what offensive maneuver the fox tries, all the hedgehog needs to do is curl up into a ball and defend itself with spines.

In life, you can be a fox - or a hedgehog. You can try all the "slick" maneuvers you have at your disposal, or you can find the one thing that saves you everytime. Keep your eye on the proverbial ball, and you will survive.