Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Best Advice

“If you’re ever angry or frustrated by a situation you have two basic choices - either change the situation or change the way you think about it.”

"Don't let classes get in the way of your education"

"Work smarter, not harder"

"If you want to be a beacon, you have to let your light shine"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Left Brain/Right Brain??

Are you right-brained or left-brained?

Look at the picture and SAY the COLOR, not the word.

Your right brain will try to say the color while your left brain will read the word!

Can you do it in less than a minute?

If you can complete this test easily then the right side of your brain is dominant.
If you find it hard, you’re a left brainer.


If you are right-brained then you exhibit the following creative attributes:
uses feeling, imagination, symbols and images, present and future, philosophy & religion, believes, appreciates, spatial perception, function fantasy…the list goes on..

If you are left-brained then you have these not so creative attributes:
uses logic, detail oriented, facts rule, words and language, math and science, order/pattern perception, reality based, forms strategies, practical ,safe.. and again many more.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I don't get older, I get better

My 24th birthday just passed - and every year my birthday makes me re-evaluate my life. The monotony of daily living sometimes makes me forget who I am and what my ultimate goals are, but at least once a year it's nice to regroup and refocus my life.

I have a few personal goals for this next year:

- Giving. One of the best ways to enhance your life or find purpose is to give to others. I am definitely not made of money but it's nice to give what I can, when I can.

- Filling your "bank account". I was once reading one of Joel Osteen's books and he talked about filling "bank accounts" of the people in your lives, meaning, you should always deposit positive and truly good things into other people. Constantly "withdrawing" from someone will drain them, as well as drain the relationship you might have with that person. It's important to make as many positive deposits into others as you can...you never know when you'll need the withdrawal.

- Being happy with where I'm at. I think this is probably the hardest one. I have a difficult time just enjoying the moment, but this year I'd like to change that. I'm usually so focused on where I'm going that I don't enjoy the ride. This year is all about the ride..fast, slow...at least I'm going.

Things I learned at 23:

- Never EVER take people for granted. This is an easy one, yet so easily forgotten. The people in your life, good or bad, are there for a reason. They are there to build you up or challenge your faith in yourself. Either way, be grateful for them.

- Being a good friend is far more important than I ever thought.

- Growing up isn't that bad - embrace it!